Course Title
Course Brief Details
Photography is a creative art and also a technical skill
At D-SAP, we lay the right foundation & curiosity in the participants to want to discover what photography really entails.
This is done by teaching, and practically exposure to the fundamentals of what the skill is all about, how to use various tools and setting that applies to each and most important how to capture a unique memory using the combination of the skills learnt and the tools.
This is done by teaching, and practically exposing to:
I – The major brands of cameras available in the industry here, how they work & their differences in handling plus brand following.
II – Lighting, composition and exposure meters.
lll – Ethics & communication required in photography.
IV – Business of photography.
V – Creativity & Expectation of the photographer & person behind the camera.
VI – How to become an advantaged professional & also be an effective team player
We go on to stretch them with project works where they incorporate all that has been taught via individual & group deliverables.
By the end of D-SAP, they know what Photography is all about, developed the knowledge & would have started their skill journey to mastering the art of photography.
1: Introduction to Photography & a Creative field
2: Know your Equipment
3: Exposure Modes
4: Understanding Light
5: Composition
6: Ethics, Communication & Directing Tips
7: Photography as a Career
8: Practical & Project
Note: Student who do not have the following listed below can rent them at a fee; it will be provided during the period of the class. More details will be provided after admission into the class.
1. DSLR Camera Bodies
2. Lens
3. Memory cards
4. Laptop
5. Storage drive
6. Studio Lights & stands
7. Soft box, reflectors, triggers, beauty dishes & other accessories
8. Studio Background with Background stand
9. Chairs/Stool & other props
10. Exhibition Display Stands 11.Frames/Framing for Project Work
- If you already have a DSLR Camera for your training, do come with it. However, please note that for now the cameras available for DSAP & others rented are provided for training.
- Students expected for this training are supposed to be new to photography & should come with durable & decent notebook plus a writing pen to take notes in class.
- Students must be available in the 10 days for all classes & graduation day – Steps and ideas to developing oneself, buying good yet inexpensive materials in this trade, what to do, where to go, what to watch out for etc.
1: We normally advise that this is only an introductory training so you need plan to purchase your equipment, get more training to perfect your skills & internship to expose you to resources that makes your photography tick
2: Photography gears are relatively expensive so go online to research for marketers home & abroad, also compare prices & value before you make a purchase
3: To get them affordable you would probably buy off a practitioner who recently upgraded.
4: Go online, get books, watch photography YouTube videos, read reviews about photography, lead photographers in your choice areas home & abroad plus industry trends.
5: Get a mentor real & online in your choice area as regarding more knowledge, skill upgrade, experience, exposure & equipment per time.
6: However for the most popular brands in Nigeria (Nikon & Canon) visit their stores on Allen in Ikeja for entry-level photography cameras information.
1. Get your shopping list
2. Materials needed can be found in any photography store nearest to you.